The wind was in my hair…

Can You Tell?
1 min readApr 6, 2024

I was in a nice dress and the sun was out. But I was alone and caught in a port. That was forgotten. Everything was carved in concrete and I forgot all that was around me accept the warmth of that moment and how my green eyes shon, knowing I would survive and that I was enjoying my walk home. The boat was leaving and I didn’t grieve.

I didn’t tell myself make belief but I only thought to seek fresh clothing and a flight away the next day, to my my home where darkness makes sense and my pets reside and I’m sorry but I chose not to notice how scary the concrete looked to my nice dress.

I saw the mess,

And kept walking.

To wade in life depths somewhere else for a while.

That’s all I knew but I left everyone out of my plan to feel the air on my skin, it wasn’t in sin.

So I did.

